Messages in FedEx ITD Retiree Breakfast Club group.


Page 42 of 70.

Tonya Handwerker3/13/2015

A. 2 years B. 28 C. C

Akita Hank3/13/2015

A. Since 2008 B. 24 yrs off and on as contractor and FTE. 15 yrs credit for retirement. C. A thru F depending on manager/director/VP team.

Cheryl Bowen3/13/2015

A. 4 years B. 33 years C. B

Gary Phillips3/13/2015

A. 2 years (June '13) B. 30 years 3 months C. A+

Dave Hansen3/13/2015

A. -13 (assuming I live to 68) B. 20 years 7 months so far C. A - I have been very lucky to work in a 7X24 environment the whole time. i have had great managers, senior managers and directors.

Ron Houston3/13/2015

No longer with Fedex, Not retired. a. 23 Months, b. 18 years, c. A+ (Current work experience) Will draw Fedex pension asap and continue to work for as long as continuing to enjoy it

Jill Bradbury Greer3/13/2015

A. ~2 years (June '13)

Jill Bradbury Greer3/13/2015

Sorry, A. ~2 years (June '13) B. 29 years, 4 months C. A+

Subject: Jimmy Glenn Burk > FedEx ITD Retiree Breakfast Club

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/13/2015

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/13/2015

Interview Part II

Subject: Jimmy Glenn Burk > FedEx ITD Retiree Breakfast Club

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/13/2015

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/13/2015

Interview Part I

Dave Hansen3/13/2015

Very nice that he calls you out by name in both segments. You apparently were a big deal in the foundation years of Fedex!!

Charles Mandracchia3/13/2015

Proud to be part of the Great Company. Courier 1983-2012

Margaret Canon Bruch3/13/2015

Love that man!!!

Sandy Butler Stone3/14/2015

Jim Barksdale, oh yeah.

Rebecca Felts3/19/2015

I only wish that I had been at Fedex Earlier to have him as my CIO. They don't make em like that anymore.

Subject: What was Fedex' first foray into the international market, and how did they resolve extremely high d ...

Akita Hank3/13/2015

What was Fedex' first foray into the international market, and how did they resolve extremely high data communications costs?

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/23/2015

not sure...I remember there were some x.25 or packet switch circuits/SITA, followed by some small multiplexors used overseas.......

Subject: Facebook Posting Hint FYI:

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/13/2015

Facebook Posting Hint FYI:Sometimes when entering a message to post, one will hit the ENTER KEY...and stupid Facebook will post the message before you are finished.......To avoid this pre-emptive posting... When you want to just hit ENTER to go to a new line hit the Shift and then ENTER key, and it will take you to a new line in your posting.

Jill Bradbury Greer3/13/2015

Thanks, Jimmy - I needed that !!!

Ron Houston3/13/2015

Thanks for that great, helpful tip!! Also, it seems alot of people don't seem to know that once something is posted you can move your cursor over the upper-right of the comment box and features will appear that give you options to Edit or Delete. (Applies to only your own postings.)

Subject: For those of you who have been nerdy long enough: I recently bought a 64 gig microSD card for a tabl ...

Jere Bledsoe3/13/2015

For those of you who have been nerdy long enough: I recently bought a 64 gig microSD card for a tablet. My idle mind began wondering how many IBM 2311 disk packs would fit on it. Can you remember that far back? Anyway, by my calculation, one tiny 64 gig microSD has the same storage capacity as 8,827 IBM 2311 disk packs. Who would have ever dreamed such a thing!!

Peter Dangerfield3/13/2015

Jere probably would have any problem running RAID either? 😄

Buddy Johnson3/13/2015

WOW!!! You got enough disk space now to store the Obamacare Act....LOL.

Subject: FedEX ITD Trivia Quiz

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/16/2015

FedEX ITD Trivia QuizAround 1993 after Dennis Jones ascended to the top of the IT department, he instructed the VP's to spend ( with Anderson Consulting) $100,000 on each of 7 technology areas($700K total): Operating Systems, GUI, Middleware, Database, Network etca. what was the money to be used for? b. name one of the divisions that refused to do this, and what did they do instead

Carl Wayne Hardeman3/16/2015

AC was our corporate auditing firm!

Deby Abbott Jolley3/16/2015

Something about process improvement?

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/17/2015

Answers: a. what was the money to be used for? Dennis wanted to get new applications off the mainframe and into a 'open' or Unix/Client/Server environment. He wanted each of the Technology areas to produce a Framework/Roadmap document on what standards and directions those areas were going to take to move the company in that direction. b. name one of the divisions that refused to do this, and what did they do instead (Telecommunications) I'm not sure what the other groups did, but we couldn't just give $100K of the Telecommunications budget to Anderson. I convinced my VP to bring in Anderson, pay for their travel costs and give them $5K to make a presentation on how they would approach this on the Telecommunications side. They were to bring their experts to Memphis for a 1-2 hour presentation. They were so inexperienced and probably had 10% of the knowledge and background we at FedEx had. It was so bad, that it didn't take the VP about 15 minutes to know their presentation was going nowhere, so he left, and we let them complete their presentation. Winn Stephenson went to Dennis and convinced him this was throwing away monies and he agreed. We did the framework ourselves for voice, data, radio and video.

Subject: FedEx Trivia Quiz:

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/16/2015

FedEx Trivia Quiz:Around 1991, a world event happened. FWS made a request for something, which wasn't completed.In 1993, another World event happened, and FWS remembered he had asked for something to be it hadn't been completed.Within the month, his request was completed. What was the request?

Carl Wayne Hardeman3/16/2015

satellite transmission of electric documents?

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/17/2015

Answer: Mr. Smith wanted CNN cable to view world events in his office. Headquarters was located on Nonconnah Blvd, about a mile from a cable access point, so no easy access. The two events were, I think,,, the first World Trade center bombing and Desert Storm.

Subject: FedEx Trivia Quiz

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/17/2015

FedEx Trivia QuizWhen FedEx purchased the Flying Tigers:a. what were the contention(s) about merging the flight crews? b. what had to be done to/for the Flying Tigers pilots?

Ben Moore3/17/2015

A. The agreement that Fred had with the Purple (FedEx) pilots was that if there was ever an acquisition of another group of pilots, that the Purple pilots would always be above the incoming pilots on the seniority list. This wasn't done with the Silver (FTL) pilots. B. The Silver pilots were merged into the seniority list based on proportionate seniority. For example if a pilot had been with FTL 3/4 of the years that it had existed they were placed at the 75th percentage point in seniority. Yeah, I spent a lot of time in Low Tiger.

Buddy Johnson3/17/2015

Good description, Ben.

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/17/2015

Ben is correct. Seniority was the biggest contention, which governs priority in choosing flighs and thus pay. From what Ben mentioned, there was an 'agreement' that whenever Federal bought another company that had pilots, those pilots would go to the bottom of the seniority list, thus protecting the Federal Express Pilots. There was no union at Federal, but there was some type of book or flight rules that had this statement in it. A short period before purchasing Flying Tigers, this statement was removed from the Flight Rules Book. I don't have inside info, but was told this was done because Legal said it could not be enforced or for some other reason, but for whatever was removed. So, when Flying Tigers was purchased....The Tigers Pilots considered this a merger as far as the pilots were concerned. They wanted seniority to be the only determination, and since Flying Tigers had been in existence longer than FedEx, they would go to the top of the seniority list. Federal Express pilots wanted seniority established by date of hire into Federal Express. Federal Express management offered some solutions, but neither side was happy. Confounding this issue was that Flying Tigers pilots flew 747's mostly while most FedEx pilots still flew 727's. This went to outside arbitration as Ben mentioned, with no one being really happy. I was also told, because of Flying Tigers finances, most of their pilots made 25% less that FedEx pilots, so FedEx worked some options to equalize the salaries.

Subject: FedEx Trivia Quiz

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/18/2015

FedEx Trivia Quiz(The following question has no definitive answer.)What are the things that can get you fired from FedEx (Services or Express)??? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Angela Maynard3/18/2015

You could be the right age, the right ethnicity, have a great performance review (just not outstanding) and get the boot because you fall within some unknown parameter. I for one will never get over it!

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/18/2015

and at least in 3 occurences one might have received a Five Star Award and be selected, due to the unknown parameter....

Subject: FedEx Trivia Quiz

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/18/2015

FedEx Trivia QuizWhen drop boxes started rolling out, in some cities, there was a problem in placing and moving the boxes. You had to have a permit for each location and another permit to the new location. Boxes would be relocated occasionally to put them where customers used them the most.How was this issue addressed for Manhattan locations where the box might move more often?

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/20/2015

Answer: Some of the drop boxes were licensed as a hot dog stand...which could be moved permit.

Subject: Do retirees still get an employee shipping discount? The discount was 75% as an employee, best I rem ...

Jere Bledsoe3/18/2015

Do retirees still get an employee shipping discount? The discount was 75% as an employee, best I remember. That was supposed to carry over to retirees. I think it did. However, recently I shipped a couple of things express and the charges on my credit card were much more than I expected.

Danielle Harnisch3/18/2015


Danielle Harnisch3/18/2015

You put your acct #? On airbill?

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/18/2015

I am going to have to do some research to see if we are actually getting the discount for express, retirees are supposed to get it. I sent an Overnight Letter Monday for delivery next day by 3pm; cost was billed to my account of $15.12, which doesn't seem like a discount. My brother sent a box to gulf shores two day delivery, he paid at the counter showing his ID card, and cost was $40

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/18/2015

I just looked up Overnight letter, next day by 3pm and base rate is $34.41 including a fuel surcharge; and I was charged $15.12

Don Rose3/18/2015

Jere, you need to make sure that FedEx has your current card expiration date on file with your acct#. That happened to me when my card renewed and the old one was past the expiration date that FedEx had on fille. You can update the card info on line now. If FedEx thinks your card has expired, the transaction is treated as cash only at full price even though you use your acct#.

Marsha Terry Rider3/18/2015

I've never been able to remember to keep my account updated so I always just use it for shipments where I drop of at a center using my ID. However, as I recall, the last time I shipped a pakg and considered Next Day 10:30am delivery it was higher than I expected and the guy told me we only get discount on ONLs. That doesn't sound right.

Subject: FedEx Trivia Quiz

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/19/2015

FedEx Trivia QuizEvery Friday morning, almost forever, FedEx Express operations management, the nightly operators and division representatives meet to go over all major issues from the past week, and the current week and to set in motion plans to fix problems.What is this meeting called?

Dave Hansen3/19/2015

End of days?

Dave Hansen3/19/2015

Day of Atonement?

Buddy Johnson3/19/2015

War. It was preceded in IT by a predatory meeting called Battle.

Larry Tieman3/19/2015


Carl Wayne Hardeman3/19/2015

Didn't Freddy Rice lead or participate in these? He was good at it!

Buddy Johnson3/19/2015

Not sure about Freddy's involvement here. Alex Vergos and Chuck Sertich represented the IT interests at the Friday meetings. I was lead for Battle for several years prepping these guys.

Jere Bledsoe3/19/2015

That job was swapped around at first. Steve Steiling went for awhile, then Jim Kelly, then me. The meeting was led by Mike Staunton. When I retired, Tim Jones was IT representative. We may not be talking about same thing though since this WAR meeting met every day.

Subject: FedEx vs Uber

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/19/2015

FedEx vs Uber

Subject: Travel Option for retirees in Memphis to Atlanta, Birmingham, Chicago, Dallas, Little Rock or St. Lo ...

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/19/2015

Travel Option for retirees in Memphis to Atlanta, Birmingham, Chicago, Dallas, Little Rock or St. LouisHad some friends who recently travelled on Megabus to Atlanta. Buses were double deckers and almost new. Less than $40 each way.

Deby Abbott Jolley3/19/2015

And free wifi!

Ron Houston3/19/2015

Send them over to Phoenix!

Jean Evans Kirksey3/19/2015

Thanks for the info.

Katie Sandie York Snell3/19/2015

great news

Subject: for sentimental sake, Freddie Rice's Christmas Poem:

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/19/2015

for sentimental sake, Freddie Rice's Christmas Poem:---------------------------------------------------------------- 'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS (with apologiestomostly everyone...)'Twas the Night Before Christmas and all though the LabNot a creature was stirring not even the New Grand Dad!The cubes were awash in the tube'swarm glowWhile visions on screen savers danced to and fro.The staff was all worried, morale was starting to fall,And we had just settled down for another conference call.When out in the hall There arose such clatterI sprang to my feet To see what was the matter!The din got closer, My eyes soon did fillWith the looming image of one Robert B. Tonahill!His stride was determined, His glance: quite fleeting,"Call the staff together, It's Time for a MEETING!"When what should my Wondering eyes do detect?There his hand! Was he clutching some Checks?So we called the staff together, They streamed down the Hall, And into the conference room They came one and all.They sat 'round the table, Their voices arose:"Another stupid meeting, So, now, Les can doze!"Just then, through the door, In strode The Boss,Sat down at the table, just across from Dan Goss.The noise soon subsided But, he waited a spell. "What for?", we wondered We expected real Hell.TheBoss soon began, his tone was quite terse,"The projects are late!", And we expected the worse.Firings,and layoffs, And Performance Improvers;Our jobs were all doomed, our careers: all losers! But,his tone soon changed; As we all drew near: Listening for the words we All wanted to Hear!"Profits are good,"He continued to speak, "And, there'll be a payout, So, relax,don't freak!"There it was, we had heard it: No Rumor,No fable!Just then,there they were: Checks scattered the table!The Boss got to his feet, While smiles spreadon faces,We all formed a line, We all took our places.We all shook his hand, as he handed out money.But, something seemed odd, something strange... something funny. With the checks handed out, His tone soon changed His voice soon raised, and out popped his veins! "The projects are still late!", He started to bellow! The moment was gone, no time to be mellow. "On, Patrick! On, Paul, Ricky, Smitty and Perk!" "Get back in your cubes, And get back to work!" " On, John! Hurry, Beth! There's nothing funny!" "I don't care if you DID just get money!" "Get back in your offices, Ray, Chuck and Fred! "And don't let me see any raised heads!"So we quickly streamed out, and ran down the hall, Back into our cubes, we flew, one and all.We worked in real earnest But, soon, began to smile, The Boss was a real softie We knew it all the while.For we heard him exclaim, and some saw him smirk, "Merry Christmas to all!"NOW, GET BACK TO WORK!

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/19/2015

Freddie Rice

Don Rose3/19/2015

Love me some Freddie Rice. I saw him in the hospital 2 days before he passed, and he was in good spirits.

J. David White3/19/2015

Great guy Fred Rice.

Ron Houston3/19/2015

I'm very sadden to hear this news - Did not know. I grew up down the road from his lovely wife Karen and her parent's, the Baty's. Karen's mom and my mom sold Avon together in our old neighborhood near the Memphis Municipal Airport. Karen's dad's name is 'Fred' also. Freddie and Karen were married at a chapel on Poplar - I believe it was my first wedding to attend - I think I was about 9 years old. Sorry for the families.

Buddy Johnson3/20/2015

RIP Freddy. Always made the day a little brighter. I can still see him pouring a cup of coffee with 5 spoons of sugar over a Burroughs keyboard that had an intermittent sticker key. Now they were all sticker and required a new keyboard.

Marsha Terry Rider3/20/2015

I was returning from the Thursday (was it Thursday???) morning MTP meeting and as I approached Freddie's office in Module F, he entered his office singing "Gre-e-e-nn Acres is the place for me..."

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/21/2015

My first meeting with Freddie Rice 1980. I was writing a driver software for a DEC computer to run DADS as a 3274 controller, and needed to get the details on setting up a development SNA circuit and ID on COSMOS and was sent to Freddie who was a manager, I think under Winn Stephenson in computer ops. I had only been there a few weeks and told Freddie who I was. His first question to me...When are they going to fire Larry Lake(my Director)..he is crazy!!! I didn't have an answer for him, and told him I wasn't sure of the exact date they would fire Larry...and we proceed on with my request. Freddie was sure Larry would be fired...just wanted to know when...... and Larry was fired about 18 months later.

Subject: Trivia from Ben Moore:

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/19/2015

Trivia from Ben Moore:Fred Rice used to have a ball cap in his office with 10/4 embroidered on it. Then in typical Freddie fashion, this was taped over and replaced with 10/18. Why?

Don Rose3/19/2015

10/4 (October 4) was the original date that Cosmos was to be cut over from ACP to IMS. Many problems were experienced with that cut over and it was backed out. New (and successful date) was 10/18.

Peter Dangerfield3/19/2015

I sure do miss Freddie's sense of humor.

Subject: Has anyone had problems getting reimbursed for the medical expenses given from the buyout? They are ...

Margaret Canon Bruch3/19/2015

Has anyone had problems getting reimbursed for the medical expenses given from the buyout? They are to pay for medical premiums and have been until jan. They are telling me they now have to receive a file from Cigna before they can pay; even if you submit receipts. Thanks for any help!!

Diane Conner White3/19/2015

I just turned in my first premium invoice. Will see how it goes. All of the other times we use the card for copays and such, they seem to get rejected for stupid reasons and I have to resubmit until they pay them.

Rebecca Felts3/20/2015

I have had ALL kinds of trouble with the reimbursement process. I suggest from now on write a check directly to Fedex once your receive your premium invoice. Make a copy before mailing off the receipt and check. Then after your check has cleared from the bank submit it to HEWITT. The first problem I had.. was when I cut over from COBRA to Cigna retiree.. the ADDRESS is different but I had no idea and my insurance almost lapsed. This current problem was in Feb. I submitted the invoice online to Hewitt, the check was sent but Fedex said they NEVER received it. Now showing I am 2 months behind. So Heweitt cancelled the check and then deposited it to my checking account. HEWITT cannot cut a new check they have to direct deposit it to your checking account. Also Fedex doesn't take any forms of payment on premiums except directly from your checking account or you writing a check to them. ENSURE you send to the following address: FEDEX 3480 Solution Center, Chicago, IL. 60677-3004. Also ENSURE you put the ACCT. NUM on your check in the lower left corner even if you are sending in the tear off invoice. I will see how my check goes. The last foopah was partly my fault for not knowing the address for Retiree premiums is different than the Cobra process. I had to OVERNIGHT my check so my insurance wouldn't drop and NO I don't get the retiree discount due to the age I left FEDEX to add to the frustration of it all. Good luck and ENSURE you call both Fedex and HEwitt and check online to make sure your premium is paid. After ll my BO heal money is exhausted I will just have them auto withdraw from my checking. Heck I may do that BEFORE then.

Subject: FedEx Trivia Quiz: Answer any of the following:

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/20/2015

FedEx Trivia Quiz: Answer any of the following:a. Name of the group that manages flight planning and operations?b. Name of the group that manages mx checks on aircraft and scheduling?c. Name of the table that lists all shipping zip pairs by product that goes on the shipping label for routing?d. Codename for Zapmail before it was a project?e. Abbreviation for philosophy of the companyf. First customer automation device designed for the 'front office' versus the docks.

Don Rose3/20/2015

d. Gemini e. PSP

Joe Cutrell3/20/2015

A few guesses: b. MOCC c. SRG f. Hello Federal

Dave Hansen3/20/2015

a. GOCC (Global Operations Control Center b. MOCC (Maintainence Operations Control Center) c URSA (Universal Routing ........?) d Gemini e. PSP (People Service Profit) f. Hello Federal

Joe Cutrell3/21/2015

OK, I change my answer on (c) to match Dave - URSA. For some reason I read "table" as the book that had URSA in it - that old paperback that was printed every month. Speaking of URSA, does anyone know what Bob Vecera is doing now?

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/23/2015

good answers: a. Name of the group that manages flight planning and operations? GOCC b. Name of the group that manages mx checks on aircraft and scheduling? MOCC c. Name of the table that lists all shipping zip pairs by product that goes on the shipping label for routing? URSA d. Codename for Zapmail before it was a project? Project GEMINI e. Abbreviation for philosophy of the company PSP f. First customer automation device designed for the 'front office' versus the docks. could have been either of 2 devices, but product that was deployed was Powership 3 with a small screen Hello Federal or Sally B was a calculator sized device produced by SIS, but in initial quantities it cost about the same as installing a PC at the customer location

Subject: FedEx Trivia (from Carl Hardeman)

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/20/2015

FedEx Trivia (from Carl Hardeman)Might be a fub trivium: name the excellent techies who came to FedEx when the tire industry faltered. several who were in comp ops.

Dave Hansen3/20/2015

TBC?? (Tire and Battery Company)??? They were a Tandem shop.

Subject: FedEx Trivia Quiz Up till about the early 90's dress policy in IT required men to wear suits and tie ...

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/20/2015

FedEx Trivia Quiz Up till about the early 90's dress policy in IT required men to wear suits and ties(which I despised) and women also had a set of dress rules. All of a sudden, this changed. How did the policy change, and why? --------------------- Carl Wayne Hardeman We were hiring the new generation of computer experts in client server technology who were told within 3-5 years they would be running IT. They simply ignored the dress code: wore jeans and tennis shoes and shirt tails out and drank Mountain Dew and worked whatever hours they wanted which was said to be more than we legacy dinosaurs were working. This is what I heard from senior mgmt.Gary Phillips Changed to a business casual rule. I had understood that it was due to the hiring of tech people from mostly out west (Colorado to California) that were used to the casual dress code at that time.I had just purchased three new suits when Jimmy announced the new casual dress code to us in Engineering.Jimmy Glenn Burk Answers are above are correct. DHJ wanted to attract more younger employees, and to make FedEX IT more of a West Coast company desired by college graduates.He initially got approval from FWS for casual...all the time, because that is what HP, SUN, CISCO and other California companies did(except for sales and mktg);Within two weeks FWS walked thru the CAC close the airport. The first person he saw was a lady in leotards, the second was an Indian genteman wearing bermuda shorts and flip flops....thus ended the Grand experiment, but we didn't revert to suits. We reverted to business casual with jeans on some fridays for charity.Peggy Dawson Black The good old days!

Subject: FedEx Trivia Quiz In the early 80's giant Satellite dishes were placed at some of the major call cen ...

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/20/2015

FedEx Trivia Quiz In the early 80's giant Satellite dishes were placed at some of the major call centers. a. Who pushed for this? b. why? c. was it successful? ---------------- Jim Moore: I believe it was Larry Lake, the purpose was to allow flexing of bandwidth between call centers. and lower then T1 pricing at > $37 ish per mile per month.Jim Moore First main problem was the .25second delay both ways, call center personnel could not pace calls, and later fiber / T1 prices were falling rapidly.. it was a $9Mill project with American Satellite.Jimmy Glenn Burk Jim Moore was correct on all answers: a. Who pushed for this? MD Larry Lakeb. why? to allow call center calls to send customers to other call centers if busy, on cheaper circuitsc. was it successful? NOAs a note of trivia. Larry Lake ended up as a Director at American Express. Using his indepth experience at FedEx, he convinced AE to stay away from satellites for customer calls.

Subject: FedEx Trivia Quiz In the mid 80's Federal Express began implementing a smoking policy. There were at ...

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/20/2015

FedEx Trivia Quiz In the mid 80's Federal Express began implementing a smoking policy. There were at least two phases to this. Name the two phases. ---------------Don Rose I'm not sure what you are looking for here Jimmy. As I recall, Phase 1 was no smoking in public areas (private offices & smoking rooms OK) and Phase 2 was no smoking in FedEx buildings.Peter Dangerfield I agree Don, in fact John Smith who worked for me was one of the promoters. He wrote to Fred smith touting the danger of smoking and asked for a smoke free work space. John unfortunately was run over by a truck on Lamar while riding his bike home. Very sad he had his PHD in cognitive science and was working on CBT and Troubleshooting program for aircraft maintenance. John left a wife and three children, what a loss. I'm still upset to this day as I had spoke to John less than a month before the accident about not riding his bike from Bartlett to the airport for exercise!

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/20/2015

Answer: Don is correct. In Telecom, in the first phase areas of the building were designated smoking/non smoking. Shortly after, no smoking anywhere in the building. I understand there is no smoking anywhere on FedEx premises now and at the WTC in Collerville, just outside the gate is a line of people smoking now, instead of outside the buildings. I remember when it was really cold at 2828 Business Park, a few people would go outside and start their cars, then wait by the door for about 15 minutes, then go outside to smoke inside their cars, then return 10 minutes later...whcih was repeated several times a day. Another trivia moment: In the mid or late 80's, I was in a meeting with many of the execs as an individual contributor on Airways, when that building was headquarters. FWS, Bill Razzouk, Jim Riedemeyer and many others were celebrating something..all smoking cigars (I didn't have a cigar). the room was so smoky that you could barely see to the other side of the room. FWS paused and said...we've got to do something about this's going to kill us.... The first smoking policy came out the next month.

Subject: In the early 80's giant Satellite dishes were placed at some of the major call centers.

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/20/2015

In the early 80's giant Satellite dishes were placed at some of the major call centers.a. Who pushed for this? b. why? c. was it successful? --------------- Jim Moore I believe it was Larry Lake, the purpose was to allow flexing of bandwidth between call centers. and lower then T1 pricing at > $37 ish per mile per month.Jim Moore First main problem was the .25second delay both ways, call center personnel could not pace calls, and later fiber / T1 prices were falling rapidly.. it was a $9Mill project with American Satellite.Jimmy Glenn Burk Jim Moore was correct on all answers: a. Who pushed for this? MD Larry Lakeb. why? to allow call center calls to send customers to other call centers if busy, on cheaper circuitsc. was it successful? NOAs a note of trivia. Larry Lake ended up as a Director at American Express. Using his indepth experience at FedEx, he convinced AE to stay away from satellites for customer calls.

Subject: Trivia Quiz 3/23

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/23/2015

Trivia Quiz 3/23Shortly after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster a decision was made to shut down Zapmail. Mr. Smith & Barksdale went to as many buildings as they possibly could, to address the employees with the reasons and re-assure the company of Federal Express' success.a. Shortly after this announcement, what did FWS then have implemented so he could immediately address most all employees in the future? b. who was the manager in charge of coordinating that field implementation? c. what other things did this implementation provide?

Don Rose3/23/2015


Buddy Johnson3/23/2015

A. FXTV. B. ??? C. Provided a way to daily communicate with all stations and departments.

J. David White3/23/2015

I know someone very well who became the analyst that scheduled, and coordinated the installation of all those FXTV viewing stations beginning in 1990 until she retired in 2003. with Diane Conner White

Buddy Johnson3/23/2015


Jimmy Glenn Burk3/23/2015

a. Shortly after this announcement, what did FWS then have implemented so he could immediately address most all employees in the future? FXTV (satellie dishes installed at most locations for video broadcasts) b. who was the manager in charge of coordinating that field implementation? I believe it was manager Jon Ricker...or at least his group was the one who kept track of the schedule of the dish installs c. what other things did this implementation provide? News like broadcasts to everyone, Training videos, Departmental meetings from Headquarters to the field for Operations, sales etc.

Subject: FedEx Trivia Quiz 3/23

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/23/2015

FedEx Trivia Quiz 3/23Who was known as Mr. Video or Captain video, in the mid 80's?

Buddy Johnson3/23/2015

Frank McGuire

J. David White3/23/2015

David Flanagan = Captain Video. We both were hired on the same day and his employee number was one digit less than mine, so I guess seniority wise, Captain Video outranked me!

Buddy Johnson3/23/2015

LOL. I have a nephew who works for FedEx now...his name is David Flanagan.

Jimmy Glenn Burk3/23/2015

David Flanagan is the correct answer: An interesting story: About 6 months after the Zapmail shutdown, David's department of about 5 people had been lost in the reorg maze. He was a manager and was eventually transferred to me, and I was told to find something for them to do. They had been working on different things for a couple years, but other than setting up video conferencing, nothing they were doing was deemed critical to continue. The day after it was announced to David that he would be transferred and assigned tasks; he came to me and cordially resigned. He said he didn't have time to do tasks or receive assignments from FedEx. He had started a successful company called the Geode group helping small companies with their telecom efforts and had been spending the bulk of his time building that business, and now that he was going to have to work here it would take too much of his time. He said he was making more money doing that and had been willing to stay at FedEx as long as it didn't interfere with his Geode work. David left and eventually sold the Geode group to Bill Plough, and became a consultant for Royal Caribbean cruise line and later for Walt Disney cruise lines. He later worked for Walmart as an MD/Vp and later HP.
